Friday, January 24, 2014

Visitors Welcome!

Brianne Gordon came back for a visit.  It's great to see missionaries as they adjust to the after mission life. Nice to meet her parents too. Her dad is in the background. We enjoyed our short time with Sister Gordon. She loved us and helped us feel a part of the mission. 

We had a great visit with Don and Sandra (my sister) We went to the Landmark for dinner and then played games until midnight! We had the best visit ever with no distractions. They stayed the night and we went to breakfast in the morning then drove by the Gilbert Temple. We couldn't get out and take pictures, special visitors were there. They spend the winter in Yuma. Maybe we will get to see them again while we are here? Best sister and brother ever!!!

Elsa Zweifel and her daughter Kristen met up with us after a temple session. It was great to catch up on the families. Many shared memories with these two. Elsa and Dale were in our ward and we interacted in many great ways. Loved the girls and watched them grow up. Kristen was here on business, she works for Miche purses, and brought her Mom for fun! Great getaway for both.

Jeff and Nancy Livingston came down for their winter stay in Arizona. It was so good to see them and they have really been an asset to the center. They put on their badges and filled in to help out our new Director and his wife get settled. It was like they never left their mission here. I guess one always remembers those good times. They are natural finders as Jeff can visit with anyone and does! What missionaries! These two are special to us because they helped us get on our mission and helped us get to this mission. When Jeff called us is when we seriously got working on our papers. Thanks! Very sunny day, thus the glare on the glasses, sorry.

Pete and Shannon came down for a family ordination. They met us for lunch at Rosa's. Pete's mom and step-father came too and we had a great time. His mom gave us some homemade bread. Sweet people. Pete was a counselor to Richard and we have grown to love this couple and their family. Our favorite activity together is going to Sonora Grill, and/or playing games. They are great examples of loving others while serving them. So great to see them again and get those hugs!
Pat Dagley stopped by after a temple session. Her and Keith spend the winter here too. Keith works with his art most days but we plan to get together. Pat was my Relief Society President during some hard times in my family and I grew to love her so much for her support and her leadership. She taught me how to serve by her example. Keith was our home teacher for years and we always loved him coming to our home. It will be fun to get together.

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