Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thanksgiving with Family - Loved It

Gloria did most of the Thanksgiving preperation on Tuesday our P-day so when Steve & family got here we could have some fun! We did!  Lunch at Tia Rosa's not Sonora quality but fun.

Miniature golfing, lots of laughs

Since we worked on Wednesday evening I told the kids to come and see the lights and nativity before the crowds. They brought their cousins and were able to enjoy it all without 6,000 people. Great idea. Emily took this picture. 

Emily's cousins, some live here and some were visiting

Our home away from home - we are here 6 days a week.

Richard talking of Christ

Answering phone calls etc, while Richard got to take the tour with the family

The Jerusalem Temple diorama

Richard said this is what I looked like most of the day so he had to take a picture. This also explains the great hairdo for the rest of the day. Steve worked right with me in the kitchen too but no picture of him. Oops. Emily made some gravy from drippings and they made some yummy green beans. 

Rachel took her turn at peeling potatoes!

Lucy did her share too!

Emily took this lovely picture.


Rachel, Lucy and Adam all worked together on this gingerbread kit and left it for us. It is a tradition for them but what it means to us is we get a little bit of Christmas from them. I love seeing it everyday. We have a poinsettia too so it feels Christmasy in my home. We did not bring any decorations and don't want to buy any to pack up later.  We are enjoying spreading out the cards by the gingerbread house.

Next, nap or electronics?? Maybe both!

It was so beautiful outdoors, around 70 degrees. We took a walk around the condos and the temple

Picked some oranges right by our bedroom window. We have picked some everyday since and they are so delicious!

Richard had been eyeing this ripe one.

The cactus garden on the temple grounds


Ran into these cute missionaries on our walk. Sister Orr in the tree, Sister Weedman in red and Sister Brownell in the back. We sure love them.

Also, our new missionary from in front Sister Taboada from Bolivia. They got some huge lemons too. Maybe some lemonade?

Can you believe these lemons on the temple grounds! I think they are blessed. 
Getting a little exercise

Steve too!

I went with the family to see "Frozen" 

This is our only black friday picture! Grandma bought shirts. Aren't they cute!

It was a full few days and they did many other things as you can see from Emily's blog.  We are so grateful we got to see them, get hugs and kisses, hear about what they have been up to, catch up on other family members, and share some fun moments! We also enjoyed all the phone calls, e-mails, blogs, pictures, and FaceTime from the rest of the family. We certainly love our family! 

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