Saturday, September 7, 2013

Why I Love Sundays!

Our missionary trainers asked us today to think why we go to church each Sunday. Two thoughts came to my mind. One, as a child, even when I went alone, I felt the love of others as they taught me the gospel, shared their testimonies, and put their arms around me. Who would want to miss that? Second, I felt the love of the Savior when I partook of the sacrament thoughtfully, recommitting myself to better keep the covenants I made at baptism. I came to recognize these feeling as the Holy Ghost testifying of truth.

Now that I am older, those two reasons have not changed only been added to. Now I am striving to be the one giving love, teaching- sometimes by words and sometimes by example, sharing testimony, and putting my arms around others. I love Sundays!

Because of the wonderful missionaries in the visitors' center many days feel like Sundays! Lucky me!    Purple Day!

1 comment:

  1. You two look so cute in the middle of all the sisters. love the theme clothing days.
