Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Visitor's Center and some Outings!

Sister Ballard by one of the displays. We take people around many times a day to all the displays and testify of the Savior Jesus Christ. There is an amazing spirit here and we love it. We show movies and visit and talk. Elder Ballard has given a blessing and I have hugged distraught people and lots of cute children! The temple has been closed for two weeks so now it should get busier. 

Elder and Sister Beckstrand the Directors of the Visitor's Center and such great missionaries!

Elder Ballard by the prophets display. At first he felt out of his comfort zone but he is working so hard to meet and greet and gives some very wise counsel. The spirit is there to help us discern the needs of the guests and say the right things. 

This book store "Odds and Ends" which has one of the earliest published Books of Mormon. The owner is a sweet lady from our ward, Helen Schlie. It was made famous a few years ago when someone stole this old Book of Mormon. The FBI recovered it. She has tons of old books. Helen is showing it to the young men below. She keeps it in a locked case.

Elder and Sister Andrus, other missionaries at the visitor's center. They are great people. They have ten children and are from Provo. We are getting to know them. They have helped us with directions and getting around the city, etc.

Sister Andrus and I went to the Senior Center. They call it the Mesa Active Adult Center.  You can't see much from the picture, I just wanted to add it. These ladies work hard and are so interesting. Adele leads us and she doesn't cater to those that are not working. She gets them going. She has been leading aerobics for 30 years. The group is so friendly. It is actually a little missionary work too because they all know Sister Andrus and I are on missions here and have talked with us about it.  They use weights too. The music is the 50's but I enjoy it. I am not trying to age myself but the facilities are so nice. They have a weight room with treadmills. I am really missing my treadmill so this is good. I am all registered and can go one or two days a week. I tried to get Elder Ballard to come but he won't yet.  There are a few there my age. It was kind of funny when I filled out the survey they gave me and I needed to have a health score. You got more points if you had mobility or other issues. Mine was zero and she didn't know what to do but they liked my $15 so I am in! Wahoo!
It is $15 for a year and $2 a week for aerobics, 50 cents for as long as you want in the weight room. Can't beat that! 

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